With wedding season finally slowing down for us, I’ve been wanting to share a little cropping guide for all our couple getting ready to print images for their homes. Something like this seems simple to us photographers but it’s a question we get asked a lot. How do you choose a photo for printing? What’s […]
Super excited to share a little Holiday Gift Guide Roundup of our own today for all you last minute shoppers. If you are hoping to give some presents using your awesome engagement, wedding or family photos here are some great options! I’ve linked to the companies that offer them below. And you still have time […]
I know that I preach a lot about how you should print photos and not let your images live on your hard drives. But do you really know why? It’s not just about having tangible items and displaying your investment proudly in your home. It’s a lot about safety of images which if you’ve ever […]
Today I’m sharing a simple and inexpensive way to display prints in your home. We are obviously big about printing your photos and not just letting them live on your hard drive. I’m going to do a whole separate post about why that’s good advice. But for now, a lot of people have trouble coming up […]
Evan and I are headed to Key Largo for a wedding, so I’m sharing a new client wedding album and packaging today as part of our #printyourphotos series! There are lots of ways to get your photos off your hard drive and into your home. Last month I shared some of the canvas groupings we have in our […]
Obviously as photographers, we want you to print your photos. I’ll never understand the point of spending thousands on wedding photography and then never ordering a wedding album or large prints to hang in your house. I’ve been wanting to start a series with some alternatives to wedding albums that still get your images printed […]